uh hey
you’re not getting much out of this experience
I mean, look at how bland this carrd is-

about me

karl can call me cloney, ari can call me zest, and rohan can call me wave

Louie or Benny
he/him her/herself (she not included)
neutral evil
i think that’s it

dni (please read I beg of you)

any sexuality known to mock the Lgbtq+ community

racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, or just any of the well known ass-hole things to be

being a terf or a swerf isn’t swaggy sis

Misogynistic or misandrist

If you support “kill all men”, jk r*wling, or Scott cawthon

if you’re affiliated with or part of the netherite force on scratch

if you force headcanons onto other ppl

if you draw not safe for work art and/or fetish art


if you have a piss, fart, feet, abuse, self harm or sexual abuse fetish

if you fake mental illnesses

if you’re against and/or mock neopronouns, xenogenders, and/or enby pride in general

if you sexualize minors

if you ship people without consent

IF YOU USE YOUR SEXUALITY, disability, gender identity, etc. as an excuse to do things you shouldn’t



it’d be best for you to not interact or follow if you’re triggered by caps or Friday night funkin as I use caps very frequently and post + talk about Friday night funkin related things.

i keysmash quite a bit

the following things may annoy you: “,,,” instead of “…”, “2” instead of “to/too/two”, ur instead of “your/you’re”, u instead of “you”, 4 instead of “for”, the use of “ye”, deviantart emojis, large use of exclamation points in one go, or tone tags

i heavily rely on tone tags. please use them when necessary

i don’t roleplay

Grammar mistakes such as your/you’re or to/too mixed up infuriate me greatly. please check your spelling if using a commonly misused/misspelled word in a sentence when speaking to me, I get that mad over little things,,,

90% of my icons will be of a cat lmaoo

typing like this:: hElLo mY nAmE iS zUzIe makes me rlly irritated

Triggers + Discomforts

A note about this. Please, inform me if I’m using trigger incorrectly in this context. I do not have trauma for my triggers, however they cause a large amount of negative reaction and leads to a meltdown. Let me know if there’s a different label for that.

triggers ;;;
visual representations of unconsentual kisses
responding to things or comments I’ve made that are meant to be positive or funny with things like “um” “…” “okay?”

discomforts ;;;
mention of unconsentual kisses
tentacle locker
the starving artist Friday night funkin mod
The song “I hate my mom” by grlwood
Being called “honey”, “sweetie”, “girlie”, my deadname, or “Poki”
The song “hey bunny” by Bowie Bugs


that’s it, folks! The family and fandom list is not included in this carrd as those would make the carrd extremely long. I have a list including everyone in my online family in my old carrd, which I am keeping. If you wish to know my fandoms, feel free to ask! Those are included in my old carrd, too, so it shouldn’t be too hard for me to remember them.

( Made with Carrd )